Saturday, March 16, 2019

My One Day as a Foster Parent

We got our first foster-baby a couple of weeks ago! Here's how it went down:

Wednesday: I was at a conference in Atlanta with some ladies from presbytery and a friend. When we had been deciding how to arrange our transportation I figured that my friend and I should probably drive separately from the rest of the group in case I needed to leave early for foster-care, but that night at the hotel I prayed "Lord, if there is a child who isn't safe where they, please bring them to our home, but just maybe not this weekend!" Little did I know....

Thursday: In the afternoon we gathered for the first session of the conference, and as I silenced my phone I joked to the person next to me that I always keep my phone on obnoxiously loud in case CPS ever decided to call me. We sang a few songs and sat down, and when I looked at my phone I saw that I had missed a call from my social worker. I freaked out entirely silently and ran out of the room to the hallway where I texted and then called my social worker until she answered me because I was afraid she would call the next person on her list since she hadn't gotten a hold of me! After a couple tries she answered and told me they were going to have an 8 month old in need of a foster home within the next few days and asked if we would be willing. "Uh, YESS!!! I've only been waiting THREE MONTHS FOR YOU TO CALL ME!" is what I thought in my head. Really I just said "YES! But I'm in Atlanta, how soon do I need to be home?!?!" And she said to sit tight while she got in touch with the baby's case worker. So I called Matt and my parents and his parents, and then waited ANXIOUSLY the rest of the day, and in typical government fashion, I didn't hear anything back. After so long, and it being so difficult to get a child in our home, I quickly began to think that something had changed, and they wouldn't need us anymore. I was so excited to finally be really doing this, but the tragedy wasn't lost on me. Something has to go terribly wrong for a child to be put into foster-care. But I was glad that the Lord (and CPS) had chosen us to be there for this child during this time.

Friday: She got back in touch, and towards the end of the day and we were told that he would be coming on Saturday. So Rachel and I packed up, said goodbye to the presbytery ladies, and headed back to Jackson! I got home around 11pm, and Matt and I pulled out clothes and bedding and made lists and got ready in whatever ways we could!

Saturday: We got up, ran to Walmart to try to get everything we needed and just generally kill time until we were contacted by peanut's social worker. Finally, we were told that we wouldn't be needed until Monday.

Monday: This is the point where I can't give out any details since it now involves personal details about peanut's situation. But, we finally walked through our door with him in our arms! Many snuggles were had, and he fell asleep in my arms and slept through the night in his crib! (Hallelujah!)

Tuesday: I took peanut to walmart at 7:30am cuz we'd already been up for two hours and he needed things. It was a categorical disaster which I was thankfully able to laugh at even as it was happening. Then, almost exactly 24 hours after peanut came, he was able to leave. Again, we can't give much detail, but we can say that we are confident that the situation was worked out in his best interest!

When it was all said and done, we spent way longer getting ourselves and our home ready for him than he spent with us! However, we are so grateful that we were able to be there for a child who needed a safe and loving place to land, even if it was just for a day! After all of our struggles with the system, we were able to see it work as it was intended, which was such an encouragement! I know that it won't always be a joy to see a foster-child leave our home, but this time it was, and we are so grateful for that. Everyone seemed surprised at how okay I was, myself included to some extent. But I didn't sign up to be a foster parent so I could pretend that I'm the best place for every child who comes through my door; I signed up to help children and families in need for as long as they need it. This time it was one day. Next time it may be longer, someday it may even be forever. Now we just wait for the next call to come so we can say "YES! We will care for this child as long as they need us, and we will love and pray for them forever!"

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